Take private vocal and singing lessons in Calgary or online with Maya Lewandowsky, according to her unique Free Your Natural Voice training method.
Take private vocal and singing lessons in Calgary or online with Maya Lewandowsky, according to her unique Free Your Natural Voice training method.
The Free Your Natural Voice method retrains your voice, starting with the foundations of breath, body and mind – it is for beginners, experienced singers, adults and children alike. Maya’s training develops your volume and breath control, deepens your listening skills, opens your ability for improvisation and much more. You will feel more confident and inspired to sing.
Maya recommends at least four to eight one hour lessons to give a foundation and introduction to freeing your natural voice. These foundation lessons start to loosen old habits and begin to shape new vocal patterns. With retraining of the voice, lessons can progress and deepen, allowing you to explore wider ranges, different singing styles and better articulation.
“Singing with Maya is not an ordinary experience. I was expecting expert vocal exercises that isolated or focused on my vocal chords, but instead received experiential whole body exercises. I was expecting to perfect my singing voice, but instead found the playground of my natural resonance. I learned that my voice is the end result of my whole body, and not only that, the space that my body exists in as well.”
– Tessa Partridge, Calgary
Do you have questions? Maya would love to hear from you. Please contact Maya by email or WhatsApp: +1 403-471-7707.
Want to explore the “Free Your Natural Voice” method? Take one of Maya’s intensive weekend workshops held throughout the year. You don’t need to be an existing student to take these workshops, they are open to all experience levels. Click for details & schedule: Free Your Natural Voice workshops
More Information: Fee Details , About the singing teaching method
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